It is a good idea to plan a garden with your own calendar. This calendar should have the dates when each type of plant will go in the garden. Having a schedule will allow you to prepare by making the purchases you need when you need them. Your planting calendar could be written on paper, or you can also have a computer program to make one.
Make sure your soil is healthy enough before you start planting anything. For a small fee, a soil analysis can be obtained – based on that report – the soil can be properly enriched to support a vibrant garden. A lot of extension offices will offer this service and it is worth it so you know what your soil needs.
Plant a variety of flowers to keep your flower garden colorful and interesting. Annuals and biennials can add excitement and interest to your flower garden every season. Your flower beds will look different from one season to another. In addition, they work well as gap fillers between other areas, as long as those areas receive plenty of sunlight. Some varieties are hollyhocks, petunias and sunflowers.
You could place a miniature fruit tree in a very small garden. Many areas only allow for small gardens, and that is where dwarf fruit trees fit in best. This type of fruit-bearing tree will begin to show a full sized fruit in about four years, give or take a year. Plant dormant trees during spring and be sure to keep them watered until they are fully established.
If you are gardening, be wary of stink bugs in your garden, especially in the autumn. These destructive pests enjoy many kinds of fruit, as well as beans, peppers and tomatoes. If not managed well, they can wreak havoc on your garden.
There are many types of bees, most of which are beneficial to your garden, such as the bumble bee who help keep plants pollinated. Unfortunately there are other types of bees are harmful. Carpenter bees, for instance, eat holes in wood to create nests. In general, bees are beneficial to your garden, so the best thing to do is to let them be so they can do their job.
Place organic mulch as close to your vegetables as you can. The mulch will help keep the soil moist for longer periods of time. It will also prevent weeds from growing. You will save time by not pulling weeds.
Transfer your favorite plants inside so they survive the winter. Try to save plants that are expensive or that are resistant enough to handle the transition. Carefully dig around the rootball and replant in an appropriate pot.
So, you can see that these suggestions are rather simple and easy to follow. All you have to do is implement what you have just learned. Watch your garden to see how different plants respond to these new techniques. Experimenting with already existing plants will only lead to disaster. Exercise a little patience and you will see your garden grow before your eyes.
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