There is quite a bit to learn if your goal is to have a healthy and wonderful garden. Gardening can require a large amount of ongoing work, although many find it to be fun, rewarding and even therapeutic. Here are a few tips to make your gardening more fun and less work!
Whenever you are planting a veggie garden, it is vital that you place them in a location where sun shines down on them for six or more hours per day. Most vegetables need at least that much sun for optimal growth speed. This is the same for many varieties of flowers.
Knee pads are a gardener’s friend when caring for plants low to the ground. Kneeling on the ground as you garden will eventually cause serious discomfort for your knees. Wear knee pads meant for gardeners so that you’ll be more comfortable when kneeling in your garden.
When planting perennials, seek out those that are resistant to slugs. A particularly vulnerable plant can be killed by snails and slugs overnight. These pests gravitate to young perennials with smooth, tender, thin leaves. There are, however, certain types of perennials that slugs and snails hate. Most of these varieties either have tough leaves or taste unappealing. Some of these plants include achillea, campanula, euphorbia, hellaborus, and heuchera.
In a small garden, plant a dwarf fruit tree. City gardens tend to be rather confined, so planting dwarf fruit trees can really enhance the appearance, and quality of your garden. You will have to wait at least three years before your tree bears full size fruits. In the early springtime, plant dormant trees. Be sure to water them well until they are completely established.
Gardening can actually increase the value of your property! When you landscape, you can get one of the highest returns. Certain plant investments could raise your home’s resale value by approximately 20% or possibly more! Find plant materials for your landscape design that will thrive in your particular climate.
Don’t use broad-spectrum pesticides for your garden. Broad-spectrum pesticides will kill insects that are helpful to your garden as well as the harmful ones. Beneficial bugs usually have more sensitivity towards pesticides than bad ones. Therefore, if the number of beneficial bugs drops, the problem with pests can get bigger. Your problem will only get worse and you will find yourself using more pesticides.
With these tips, you’re better equipped to grow the most beautiful garden you can imagine. In learning how to create your dream garden, you’ll also be growing as a person. That’s because learning how to nurture your plants will not only help you reach the goal of having a great garden, but it will help you learn to nurture yourself.
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