If you have visions of a healthy, lush, green garden, there are things you should consider on your way to that goal. There is much fun and much work involved in gardening. Here are a few tips to make your gardening more fun and less work!
If you’re a new gardener, it is vital that you follow the instructions when it comes to your chemicals and tools. You might end up damaging your plants or getting a skin irritation. Be careful when it comes to your body, and always follow directions.
Protect the soil around your vegetable plants with an inch or two of organic mulch. Mulch has a nice moisturizing effect on the soil it’s spread over. Mulch will help a lot in preventing weeds from growing. This will save you a ton of time and work.
An easy, inexpensive way to give them nutrients is to pour the leftover water from your steamed vegetables into the soil. Tea and coffee grounds can also serve as acidifiers in the soil of your gardenias or rhododendrons. Spray your plants with a 9:1 mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide to eliminate fungus without harming your plants.
If you are planning on growing peas, start them indoors before putting them outdoors in your garden. The seeds will grow better in your home if planted there first. The seedling may also be hardier, which means that they can better resist disease and attacks from pests. Once the seedlings have become hardy enough to survive, you can transplant them to your outdoor garden.
When winter arrives, you can save some plants by placing them in your home. Choose the plants that are most likely to survive. When you dig up the plant, carefully avoid the roots then place it in a container.
Some houseplants require humidity to thrive. Humidity can be generated by placing multiple plants within the same pot. One other way you can provide houseplants with proper humidity levels is to spray them with a mist of water a couple times a day.
Pick your plants with an eye to maximize the yield you can get. It is quite common to find that hybrids, which are often able to resist disease and withstand cold climates, produce yields much larger than their conventional counterparts.
Protect cuts from dirt and chemicals, and think about staying away from gardening until they heal. Cuts have a much higher likelihood of getting infected if they are in contact with dirt when you garden. There are bandages out there now that can seal cuts completely.
Spray old aftershave, perfume, or scented products around the grass of your garden to prevent your dog from entering it. This will mask the garden smell that is attracting your dog, and it will make it a less appealing place for your dog to visit.
Be sure to enjoy the brilliance of fall color this year, and every year. A lot of trees, shrubs, and vines will not be the best until the autumn, then they will turn your garden into a array of bright colors. This will happen because your plants do not produce chlorophyll and the once hidden pigments take over! Ensure your plants get a lot of natural sunlight in the afternoon! Ideal choices for your garden are barberry, burning bush, maple, chestnut and boston ivy.
With these tips, you’re better equipped to grow the most beautiful garden you can imagine. In learning how to create your dream garden, you’ll also be growing as a person. That’s because learning how to nurture your plants will not only help you reach the goal of having a great garden, but it will help you learn to nurture yourself.
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