Many people turn to organic gardening because they are worried about the long-term toxic effects of the many commercial fertilizers and pesticides, on both their health and the environment. Additionally, a lot of organic gardening techniques do not cost a lot of money. Here are some essential tips to help you become an expert organic gardener.
Dig a large hole in the organic garden when you want to plant a shrub or tree. If you create holes that have “glazed” sides created by shovels, it’s possible that one of those holes will restrict any root from getting into the soil nearby.
Rotate your garden annually. Planting the same family of plants in the same area over and over can cause disease and fungus to start growing. Fungus and disease may stay in the soil and then affect your plants the next growing season. Different plants have different immunities and vulnerabilities. Changing what you plant where will naturally stave off fungus and disease.
Make sure that your garden is diverse. A larger variety of plants in your garden will attract more wildlife. You want to have a diver garden so do your best to plant a bunch of different plants. If you are able to achieve this, you will have a garden that is a pleasant place to be around and relax, and also you get great satisfaction from knowing you did your part for the environment.
One of the problems that people come up against when trying to grow organic plants indoors is a lack of natural light. If the room you wish to grow them in faces in a direction that gets little light, choose varieties of plants which can accept this type of environment. Otherwise, you could simply use your own lights.
When organic gardening, know when and how much to water your plants. The style of hose known as a soaker would be most effective for this purpose. A soaker hose can get water to the bottom of the plant and it will ensure you do not lose any moisture. Watering during the early hours of the morning is best.
Organic gardening is not a fad: this method has been around for centuries and has made its proofs. The pilgrims saw the Indians’ squash and corn and beans flourishing, and learned from them to place fish in the ground as a fertilizer. Instead of paying for expensive fertilizer, create your own compost pile. Compost piles not only reduce the amount of trash put in landfills, but also helps to increase output of your garden’s produce.
When you have soil that is healthy, the plants will remain healthy, that way they can stand up to more diseases and damage that is caused by insects. This won’t get rid of insects, but it does make them less harmful, which should make most people happy.
Ward off certain diseases that plague plants with the use of aspirin. Dissolve one and one-half aspirins into two gallons of cold water, and use it to fortify your plants. Simply spray your plants with the mixture, and this will help them fend off various diseases. Spraying should be one time every three weeks.
Green Starts
It’s not what’s on the surface that counts. Look out for green starts that are lush that might have bad root systems when you start purchasing tomato seedlings to help your organic garden prosper. Lush green starts will remain on the seedlings and keep them from growing properly until they disappear.
You can get rid of slugs with a simple beer trap. Bury a glass jar in your garden so that its open mouth is level with the top of the soil. Pour enough beer into the jar to fill it below an inch from the top. Slugs will crawl into the jar to get the beer and not be able to get out again.
Pine is a mulch that is great. Many types of plants thrive in soil that has high acid levels. For such plants, pine needles function both as a handy mulch and as a soil amendment to lower the pH. Spread a few inches of pine needles on your organic beds so that it will put the acid into your soil.
Know what to look for when choosing plants for your organic garden. This is especially true when buying annuals or perennials. They should be bought budded, yet still not in bloom. At this stage, the plants are able to grow a strong root system.
When you are growing seedlings in your organic garden, lightly brush over them using your hand up to twice a day. This probably sounds like an odd recommendation, but research has shown that this technique encourages more plant growth, than no petting at all.
If aphids cause you problems in your garden, you could try to use soapy water to solve it. Take the soapy water and spray it all over the plant. When you are finished, repeat the process with clean water.
When a seed actually sprouts, it doesn’t need to be in as warm an environment. You should move your sprouted plants farther from the heat when they are past the sprouting stage. It is wise to take plastic covers off of the containers in order to eliminate humidity and excess heat. Keep an eye on your seeds so you will know when this should be done.
Utilizing the advice provided in this article in your organic gardening efforts will produce great results. You will quickly see your garden becoming more productive and healthy, while being free of toxins. Planting a natural garden also encourages wildlife to enjoy your garden, and this even benefits the plants growing within.
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