Plant large plants like shrubbery or trees in the fall so that you can have strong root development. When the plant is not using its resources up producing leaves, the plant’s energy can be concentrated on the root system.
Divide your irises. Increase your iris stocks by dividing your overgrown clumps. When the foliage dies it’s time to lift the bulbous irises out of the ground. If you split the bulbs that you pull up, and replant them, they will bloom the following year. If you have a rhizome you will need to split it with a knife. Cut several new pieces out of the outside and get rid of the old center. Every piece needs to have a minimum of one good offshoot. All that is left to do is immediately replant the pieces you have created and let the cycle begin anew.
To give them a boost, pour out any leftover water from steaming or boiling vegetables on the plants or soil around them. Add coffee grounds or tea leaves to the soil of acid-loving plants like rhododendron and gardenia. Herbal chamomile tea is an effective, affordable treatment for fighting fungi.
Be an ecological friendly gardener and use rainwater for your plants. Using a specialized barrel, or any other container that works to collect rainwater, saves money on your monthly water bill, and makes good use of natural resources. Try this as a money-saving alternative for your garden, and make it completely natural.
You can get new plants from root cuttings. Ideally, cut roots during the winter season when the roots are dormant. You will need a sharp cutting implement to get the most prominent roots removed. Separate the roots into cuts of about 2 inches each. Fill up seed trays with a peat and grit mixture, then lay each root cutting on the soil’s surface. Lightly cover the root cuttings with a layer of the peat and grit mixture. Place your seed tray in a cool location and new seedlings will appear in about a month’s time. Plant them individually in little pots until they’re ready to be placed outside.
When powdery mildew appears on your plants, you should not rush out to purchase a costly chemical treatment. A great home remedy is to mix baking soda with water and a little bit of liquid soap. Once a week, spray this solution on your plants and your mildew should disappear in no time. This method is not going to cause any damages to your plants and the mildew will go away slowly.
In conclusion, gardening is a fun hobby to have. The benefits you gain from having a garden never end! You will have fresh veggies and beautiful flowers. By assimilating what you learned about gardening into your routine, you can enjoy gardening and all it has to offer.
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