If you’re planning on eating healthier and saving a lot of money on groceries, growing an organic garden will accomplish that and much more. It can be a little daunting, however. From the type of mulch to use to the right equipment, there are many questions you need answered. Additionally, there are a variety of seeds with different planting times to consider. Read on for a handful of tips and tricks for nurturing your garden with an organic approach.
Brighten up your flower beds with annuals and biennials. Fast growing biennials and annuals can enliven a flower bed while letting you change up the look each season and year. They are very useful for filling in the gaps between perennials and shrubs in a sunny area. Some varieties are hollyhocks, petunias and sunflowers.
Before you plant anything in your garden, have the soil checked. An inexpensive soil report can be used to adjust soil nutrients to optimum levels, which will ensure your garden thrives. You can often find Cooperative Extension offices that provide this service, which can help to make your garden flourish.
Plants need CO2 grow well. More CO2 generally produces more luxurious plant growth. A greenhouse will provide plants with an environment rich in carbon dioxide. If you have a greenhouse, keep CO2 levels high.
Be sure to weed your garden. Weeds steal nutrients from plants, robbing a garden of its potential harvest. A great way to get rid of them is to use white vinegar. Yes, white vinegar actually kills weeds! Apply it full strength to any areas where weeds are a problem.
If you want your garden to blossom with flowers throughout the spring and summer, plant some bulbs in it. Since bulbs are easy to grow and resistant to poor weather conditions, they will grow without fail year after year. Specific types of bulbs usually bloom at specific times of the season, so if you make appropriate selections, you can be rewarded with blooms from the early part of spring to the later part of summer.
Autumn not only means colder weather but new vegetables to plant. Rather than using clay pots or planters for your lettuce and kale, plant them in a pumpkin! Simply cut the pumpkin open at the top, so you can remove the seeds and insides. After that, spray Wilt-Pruf along the edges and on the inside of the pumpkin, so it doesn’t rot. Once the pumpkin has been prepared, it is ready for planting.
Try dousing weeds in your garden with boiling water to get rid of them. A pot full of boiling water is an effective herbicide, yet it is, chemically speaking, completely harmless. Just pour boiling water directly on top of the weeds cautiously to avoid damaging your plants. What this does it essentially kill the weeds by damaging their roots. The result is that those weeds are unlikely to regrow.
Mint leaves are wonderful, but don’t you despise how quickly they can take over a garden due to rapid growth? Rein their growth; you can do this simply by planting mint inside a larger garden container or pot. The container will keep the roots from spreading throughout you garden, and prevent the mint leaves from sprouting in other areas.
Don’t use broad-spectrum pesticidal products anywhere in your gardening area. In addition, these pesticides destroy the good insects which eat pests. The beneficial insects, which kill the pests, are much more sensitive to pesticides than the pests. Using them will reduce your population of good bugs, and increase the bad. When this happens, you will spray another round of pesticides to get rid of the pests, thus creating a never-ending cycle for yourself.
As stated, organic gardening, and understanding the choices you have in terms of plants, can greatly affect your present and future dietary choices. Use this advice to begin the process of growing the best organic garden.
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